News Roundup

  • How Racial Segregation Shapes Children’s Opportunities

    The latest Child Opportunity Index reveals that Black and Latino children are more likely to grow up in neighborhoods with lower quality health, education, and economic conditions when compared with their white counterparts. Despite improvements in some areas, racial and geographic inequalities remain largely unchanged.

  • Reevaluating Minimum Parking Rules

    Texas cities are rethinking minimum parking rules to address housing costs, car dependency, and emissions. Major cities like Austin and Dallas have already eliminated parking minimums, aiming to tackle housing affordability and encourage transit-friendly development.

  • Climate Change Drives Up Home Insurance Costs

    Extreme weather events, fueled by climate change, are driving up insurance costs for US homeowners, leading some to forgo coverage. Insurers, grappling with their rising losses, are pulling out of high-risk areas, leaving residents dependent on state plans with limited coverage.

  • Challenges in Scaling Modular Housing

    While Sweden and Japan lead in modular housing construction, the sector faces challenges in scaling up, particularly in the UK and US. Though it offers advantages like greater sustainability, reduced waste, and energy efficiency, the sector has faced economic setbacks and grapples withperceptions of lower quality. and capacity limitations.